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L'écotourisme communautaire pour la nature et cultures vivantes

“If you are fortunate enough to have found your way to Sadiri, it’s safe to say you are in for a fabulous time, in some of the most beautiful and pristine lower foothill forest anywhere. The place abounds in birds, from minuscule coquettes to huge and noisy macaws, and Ricardo will do his best to show you all of them. If you are not a birder you may become one!

And any case there is lots else to see. The rooms are lovely, the food terrific, the ambience magnificent. They have created the mecca, and all for the benefit of the San Jose de Uchupiamonas community.” – Robert S. Ridgely

073 Icterus icterus Sadiri_Bolivia by Daniel AlarconSadiri Rainforest Lodge Bolivia (21)TucanAotus-azarae-boliviensis,-BOLIVIA

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